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- <!I1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <!I7 Mark's Top Fifty Games Made
- <!I7 by Mark Klocek
- <!I1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Civilisation - The best strategy game ever. Beleivable, highly
- playable, engrossing, a joy to play, even though the programming it
- self is not quite perfect.
- 2. Dune 2 - This was made by the people who made Command and Conquer. This
- is a fine example of how such a game should be made. A fabulous
- learning curve with a gradual improvement of the game the further you
- got based around the Dune books makes this a classic.
- 3. Syndicate - A great atmospheric game set some time in the future.
- Dark and sinister this program not only has style, it has a fine game
- with some variety and is trully well programmed.
- 4. Llamatron (PD) - This was programmed by Jeff Minter and was based on
- the classic Williams coin-op Robotron. The best shoot-em-up I've ever
- played. Its fast, its furious and its addictive.
- 5. Parasol Stars - My favourite platform game, better than Rainbow Islands
- with instant playability and suprising lastability. Obtain this if you
- have a Playstation!
- 6. Super Cars 2 - The overhead racing game which spawned many clones.
- Still fun to this day.
- 7. Rail Road Tycoon - Another fab Sid Meier game (see Civilisation). An
- example of how to make a (potentially) boring subject into a highly
- playable game.
- 8. Space Taxi 3 (PD) - A clone of the classic C64 game. Wonderful when
- played alone, even better with friends.
- 9. RoboSport - A unique strategy game, which isn't quite turn based but
- isn't in real time either. Tons of variety if you design scenarios
- yourself and some original ideas.
- 10. Formula One Grand-Prix - A great 3D racing game. Unequaled in
- playability and works on an A500!
- 11. Populous 2 - A great God game made by Bull Frog the people who started
- it all with Populous.
- 12. Chaos Engine - The Gauntlet of 90s, by the seminal Bitmap Brothers.
- 13=. Alien Breed 3D - Far more playable than its sequel this is one of the
- two best Doom clones on the Amiga.
- 13=. Gloom Deluxe - The other competing Doom clone, but with impoved
- graphics over Alien Breed 3D, though just as fun in a different way.
- 15. Speedball 2 - My favourite sports type game. One of the Bitmap
- Brother's best.
- 16. Super Frog - A platform game which was fast and generally really well
- made. Far better than Zool, which I suspect its style was based on.
- 17. Battle Isle '93 - A great turn based strategy game. I think this was
- better than History Line which was made by the same people because it
- is quicker and I prefer the sci-fi style.
- 18. IK+ - The only three player beat-em-up. Although old, still the best on
- the Amiga and no-other beat-em-up has three players. Spooky?
- 19. Battle Squadron - One of the all time best vertical shoot-em-ups on
- any machine. Excellent enemies and a fine weapon system (which was
- copied by XP8).
- 20. Colonial Conquest 2 (PD) - A sci-fi version of Civilisation and almost
- as good as it. Its suprising that some PD games are so good.
- 21. Pirates - A very underated game based on the swashbuckling era.
- 22. Body Blows - The only other beat-em-up worth its salt on the Amiga.
- Style and playability make this a deadly combination.
- 23. R3 (PD) - A fantastic Thrust based shoot-em-up. Highly playable, lots
- of variety and a two player option make this a game to be remembered.
- 24=. Kick Off 2 - My favourite soccer game on the Amiga.
- 24=. Sensible Soccer - Everybody elses favourite soccer game on the Amiga.
- 26. Mega Lo Mania - An action/strategy game by Sensible Software. The best
- version being the Amiga version of this fast moving game. Definately a
- strategy game for those who don't like strategy. Fab speech aswell.
- 27. Elite - The original Elite, more fun than the follow up even though it
- has less scope. Less is more?
- 28. Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker - The best 3D snooker game on any
- machine. Brilliant, especially with a friend.
- 29. Zeewolf 2 - A game obviously based on Virus (aka Zarch). This
- shoot-em-up puts you in a helicopter in a 3D landscape in which you
- must complete a variety of missions. A cool plot and well designed
- levels only enhance the game further.
- 30. Bubble Bobble - A classic platform game, which stands up to severe
- play testing even now!
- 31. Laser Squad - In my opinion more fun than UFO: Enemy Unknown, though
- short lived in comparison. A classic strategy game.
- 32. Banshee - A fine vertically scrolling shoot-em-up. A game which is so
- well designed that you do in deed get that bit further each time you
- play.
- 33. RoboCod - Another cute platformer with some original concepts, good
- but not quite as good as Super Frog.
- 34. Colonisation - The follow up to Civilisation. Very good, but somehow
- just not quite as fun as the original and its too easy.
- 35. Eye of The Beholder 2 - The best RPG game I've ever had the pleasure
- of playing.
- 36. UFO: Enemy Unknown - The 3D equivalent of Laser Squad. A game with out
- missions, but with a sort of interactive plot. Very good, except the
- programming is dodgy with a slow 3D engine and a variety of irritating
- bugs. If it were programmed better then this could be well up there.
- Its even slow on an '030...
- 37. Sim City - The finest version was on the Amiga, apart from maybe the
- enhanced SNES version. The graphics and sound aren't much but at least
- it runs fast and is just an all time classic game. If Sim City 2000
- was any good on the Amiga then it might be better than this, I have
- had far more fun this than the sequel.
- 38. R-Type - A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up. This one brought in
- the unique concept of the bit infront of the ship.
- 39. Roadkill - Another over head racer. The game itself is a lot of fun,
- but I do wish the control was better for a one fire button joystick.
- Bags of style really does set this apart from all the other Super Cars
- clones.
- 40. Imperium - Another strategy/management game. Culitvate the life giving
- drug nostrum and take control of the galaxy. A very thought provoking
- game.
- 41. SWIV - Another vertically scrolling shoot-em-up, again one of the
- finest and one of the toughest.
- 42. The Great Giana Sisters - A blatant Mario rip-off which was never
- released, but was available from more, erm.. dubious sources. Very
- playable.
- 43. X-Out - An underated horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up. Far better
- than its sequel Z-Out.
- 44. Super Foul Egg (PD) - A brilliant puzzle game, based on the Nintendo
- classic Doctor Mario. Perfect execution and a tough computer opponent
- make this the best version by far.
- 45. Tetris Pro (PD) - The best Tetris clone I've ever played.
- 46. Xenon 2 - A vertical blast-em-up from the Bitmap Brothers. So much
- style and so much fun.
- 47. The Addams Family - I don't know why everyone has forgotten about this
- gem of a platform game. Tough but fair this game really is brilliant.
- You must play it properly though without the cheat.
- 48. Head Over Heels - Classic isometric platform action. Yet another
- everyone has forgotten about.
- 49. Lemmings 2 - The best of the Lemmings series, great fun and built on
- the original.
- 50. Worms TDC - Artillery for the late 90's. Lots of new ideas make this
- an enjoyable game, much better with friends though.
- Some thoughts on some other games
- Cannon Fodder - In my view one of the most overated games ever. Too hard for
- casual play and often very unfair.
- Star Dust AGA - Great fun, but possibly the most ridiculous disk loading system
- ever.
- Theme Park AGA - I've only recently obtained this, but it may shape up to be a
- classic.
- Monkey Island 2 - Never played it.
- Another World - One of the most atmospheric games I've ever played, close but
- not quite. More style than playability, the French have always made stylish
- games.
- Project X - Why did people like this, its kinda crap and far too hard.
- Settlers - I liked this innitially but I soon found it boring.
- Rainbow Islands - As a coin-op conversion perfect as a game its pretty good, but
- would make my top 100 ratheer than top 50. [ WHAT!!! its my fave game loads'a
- secret levels etc... cute gfx nice sound and music, easy to play. Its brill
- - ED ]
- ===